The Impact of Western Europe on World History
In its long history, Western Europe has left an indelible mark on world history. The continent has been home to many important political, economic and cultural developments that have transformed the way in which people around the world interact with one another. Western Europe is also well known for its conflict-laden past, including wars, revolutions and colonialism. It has also produced many significant sociocultural changes, such as the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation.
In the centuries between 1000 and 1300, which historians call the Central Middle Ages, warfare was a major feature of European society. In many cases, it was conducted in order to protect property – the interests of landowners often determined the nature of military activity.
From the late 1300s, however, a number of factors changed the nature of war in the continent. These included profound economic changes, the repercussions of the Black Death and the invention of gunpowder, all of which affected the nature of the conflicts that were fought.
As a result, from about 1400 onwards, European armies began to fight less defensive wars. They were more likely to embark on campaigns against groups that were seen as the enemies of Christendom – in expeditions which were called the crusades.
Following the end of World War II, Western European countries gradually rebuilt and reintegrated, with the formation of the European Economic Community in 1957 and then the European Union in 1992. The EU aims to create a unified structure for social, environmental and economic policy in its member states.
The rise of a new generation of Western European leaders in the 1990s coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which brought about the end of the Cold War. This period was also marked by rapid economic development and the creation of NATO, an alliance of Western European countries against potential Soviet aggression.
In addition to these global forces, the post-Cold War era was characterized by regional changes. The decolonization process saw several former colonial powers struggle with their relationship with globalization as they sought to balance their heritage and history with a changing economic and cultural landscape. In addition, the process of enlargement of the European Union since 2000 has brought in new nations with a rich diversity that continues to impact how Europe interacts with the rest of the world.